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How to Block Slots and Days within the Calendar

You can block specific time periods and services within the Calendar Module as well as entire days.

  1. Go to the Calendar tab
  2. Select the day you wish to block, then click any time slot.
  3. Select, block a slot
  4. Give the block a title e.g. Staff Training
  5. From the dropdown menu, select the Schedule you wish to block.
  6. Add the Date and starting Time. Your time needs to fall within or run through your selected schedule’s availability.
  7. Select “Repeat Until”, if you wish for this block to repeat for a series of consecutive days.
  8. Add the Duration (hours and/or minutes)
  9. Count represents your booking capacity
    E.g. 1: A Dog Daycare with a licence for up to 40 dogs that wants to block out an entire day will put the block count to 40
    E.g. 2: A Grooming business with 2 groomers has 1 groomer away so they can only groom 1 dog at 9am, instead of 2, will put the block count to

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